Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to get rid of/hide body hair?

I'm a girl, I'm using a fake Yahoo.. I've had body hair since I was a little kid, so its nothing with puberty. Growing up with this hair and being overweight has gotten me beaten up and tormented. In 3rd or 4th grade I started using Nair for my arms and even though it ate my skin and left me with questionable cuts and scratches, I forced myself to use it for about 4 years now. Recently I decided to switch to shaving because of the pain with Nair even though it leaves me with stubbly arms that scratch when you touch them.. I'm only 13. I have hair in almost every spot imaginable. Its a living hell when everyone tortures you and you know everything about you is different. I know people don't love you for your looks, but let's face it, looks ARE still an important factor. I'm thinking about bleaching my arm hair and trimming it occasionally since its dark and thick and praying it will work.. I have to shave my stomach hair and don't even know what to do about my lower back hair. I feel like a f'ing monster.. All of this is 100% serious and I've suffered through all of it. Someone please help without any jokes/comments on how disgusting I am.

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