Monday, July 18, 2011

O.k., here it goes this is my last attempt to fix my relationship with my ungrateful husband.?

For pretty much our entire relationship, married 6 years in August and together over 10 yrs, my husband I believe, I have made into a self centered unappreciative A**hole! Since living together, pretty much from the start, I have done everything when it comes to the house: Cleaning, Cooking, Trash, tend to the dogs, EVERYTHING without complaint. Out of the 6 years I have been unemployed 15 months total, not all at once. Whether I worked Full time, part time, or not at all I have done all the house work including catering to him getting him food, drinks, clothes, etc. I mean all but freaking putting his clothes on LOL. Yes I know I should have never started doing this but I didn't mind specially when I didn't work. He never pushed me into it either I just did it. Over time I have realized anytime I ask him to do anything he acts like it is not his job! Almost like how dare I ask. The more time goes on the more ungrateful he gets! I have been unemployed for 2 months we decided it would be better to wait 6 months to get a job because we are moving over an hour away. So again I find us fighting about WHAT?, o ya me being lazy. I want to take a frying pan to his head! LAZY!!!! you son of a ***** seriously.............. I know he is an ungrateful A**hole and if he doesn't realize how good he has it there is no reason to stay. I am 27 and my husband is 28 no kids yet. I do know that we love each other and I want to be with him and save our marriage. I just don't want 10 years to pass by 2 kids later and be unhappy because my husband be an ungrateful pig treating me like **** making me feel worthless. The man doesn't even pick up after himself, dishes, trash, clothes were ever he sets them they stay till I pick them up. It is disgusting. It wouldn't bother me if he was just appreciative of it. Even working full time/part time he never chipped in! Background info he went to Iraq 2003 for a year and has not been the same since, has SEVERE PTSD. we got help saved our relationship and now I feel like we are reverting back not going forward! He says I am lazy and don't do anything too because I stopped cooking home cooked meals. It is way to expensive than already prepared meals. With me not working I have been cutting back on our expenses. That's another thing the man wouldn't know if we had 5 dollars or 5 thousand dollars. He doesn't touch the bills! Which is a plus lol don't have to worry he will spend money we don't have and again I am not complaining I just wish he wasn't so mean and condescending about every thing I do. His job background: He works a lot which is also why I am understanding about him not helping around the house he works for the oil field. Depending on the day he could work 24 - 48 hour shifts then on the other hand sometimes he comes home after 4 hours of work. I was thinking of hiding all the silverware, glass ware, plates etc and buy all disposable lol let it all pile up............. any HELP would be very much appreciated!

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