Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why is it that every time i go to the masjid te woman instead of listening start talking about?

This sort of thing is everywhere. I find it in my Masjid. The way I handle it is to smile and say "Thank you for the advice, sister" etc. Really, if you're very polite and lead by example, since you're a revert and behaving better it may give them the help to behave better. They will see you, who doesn't know better on as many things still behaving better. They'll be ashamed and change their behaviour. Being gentle and doing right when you can is the best way. And the softer-tongue you keep, the more people will respect you. Just try not to let it get to you. I haven't been a Muslim as long (9 months exactly this Friday) but I had to learn this lesson very quickly as I live in an area where people are judgemental.

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