Monday, July 18, 2011

Old issues reappearing?

in my opinion ,uhave a severe anxious disorder ,cause i have a similar thing , i have imaginations of harming other people ,and i cant control it ,they call it a compulosive thought disorder ,i have a problem with imaginations of murder and have had heaps of mental problem like this . i use to be enslaved to a world where i couldnt turn the mind off ,it was playing a jack the ripper and killing people all the time .i use to be so paranoid of it ,i had to keep my hands in my pocket cause i believed i was a murderer ,but the thing is ,i was not at all ,it was a strong anxiety disorder ,and they say the natuire within ,was pumping up the worst imaginations in the world . i lived in it for many years but i understand it . i really think u may have a deep anxiety disorder ,and it results in negative thoughts of suicide may be along these lines ,but i do not really know , or u may just have a deep unhappiness underneath ,that u cant reach . i do understand problems ,and hope u find peace in ur life ,jesse

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