Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I playing the Mistress part,again?

Your 25 you have your whole life ahead of you. Why would you want an already made family? His kids are going to cause your marriage stress. Blended families are not all what they are cracked up to be believe me I live in one. You have a clean slate. There are millions of men out there why pick a married one. I believe he is pulling the wool over your eyes. I think he is trying to make his marriage work while keeping you on a string. He would still be camming you at night if he was on the up and up. I know it is going to hurt but believe me it will hurt later on if you are going to get with him even worse. My suggestion is leave him. Find a single guy with no children. You are still so young and still have so much life don't waste it on some married guy with children.

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