Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just overclocked my laptop GPU. Runs at about 72c while gaming. What do people think?

Ok, general rule of thumb here, never, ever, EVER overclock a laptop. Laptops lack adequate cooling to achieve stable overclocking. At least you're using EVGA precision and not messing with the voltages, you really can't screw things up very badly with that program. 55C is really high for just browsing the web, if I were you, I would turn it back down and deal with it. If you really must overclock, make sure you have one of those laptop cooling pad thingys and always have it sitting on that, then clock it down when you take it somewhere. I personally think, and much of the computer world agrees, that its really a bad idea to overclock anything on a laptop. Also, what do you mean by "wouldn't be the end of the world" if you killed your GPU? You can't replace the video card in nearly every laptop ever made, so if you kill it, your laptop is bricked.

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