Wednesday, July 13, 2011

HELP HELP HELP PLEASE! i bleached my hair 3 months ago!!?

i want my hair back to black( not my natural) my natural is brown, and my mom says i cant cause its gonna ruin my hair more. my hair is sooo fried its really really bad! will my hair continue to grow as it is still fried>? what can i do to make it more healthy? my roots are showing and it looks bad and i want it to be brown or black again!): its not falling out now even though its severely damaged and is quite stringish, and i just really want to look normal again! please help, my hair is a little past my shoulders. My mom wants me to cut it all off but i dont see how that will even help considering the fact the it will still have blonde in it! oh please help please!! sorry this is so long!

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