Monday, July 11, 2011

Hair bleaching help needed!?

I just,just,just dyed my hair. It's drying right now. I have naturally like black hair.. I have it now like almost a bleach blonde.. it's a major change,seriously. I am pleased with my hair color but the worst most upsetting part is that my eye brows are like jet black and my hairs bleach blonde,it looks ridiculous! I'm so upset, I feel like if I get them waxed a little that it'll take away some of the horrificness, but then again I have Joleen facial hair bleaching creme in my bathroom.. I'm scared though, is it ok to dye your eye brows? Or should I just wax them a lot tomorrow? Which would look better, result wise? Please no bad comments.. I'm kind of shooken up right now and don't need any more pressure added my boyfriends coming home from vaca. tomorrow and don't wanna look bad! = , ( And OH! One more thing, if I went to a beauty salon could they bleach them for me? How much could that cost? Not much right..? Which choice would give me the best results. <3 Please & thanks.

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